Dizmobi Engineering
Fooling around with flight simulator home cockpit foolishness
I have been setting up, using, tweaking, and crashing in simulators since the Apple IIe and the incredible Sublogic flight sim my dad bought us kids in the early '80s. I remember the typewriter store that sold us the computer, and the hand written 3x5 card with a $1,600 price tag back when minimum wage was around $3/hr.
Dad served in the USAF (as a desk jockey), and had soloed in a Piper Cub before someone (maybe him, I never got a clear answer) landed the club Cub hard, damaged the landing gear, and the club was shut down for lengthy repairs of its only airplane. That was the end of his flight training.
He loved airplanes and boats and got me started with flying lessons in 1982. I passed my PPL flight test in 1984.
If there's a flight sim I haven't purchased and used between then and now, I don't know what it is. I really miss the old Janes military sims/games like USNF 97.
Now I'm working on building a home cockpit focused on IFR operations in General Aviation aircraft that eliminates the need to touch a mouse or keyboard during a virtual flight. Steps along that path will be documented here.